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Chinese language

The text to correct from user Лиза745

1) 故事从一只普通的杂种­狗开始,它的生活在那一刻发生­了变化3) 这次会议将如何结束?4) 丰衣足食温暖的生活还­是老教授不可预测的实­验? 5) 结果超出预期 6) 狗的心
Language: Chinese   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate, Intermediate, Elementary
Лиза745:  Буду рада если вы проверите правильность этого текста. I will be glad if you check the correctness of this text

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You can correct this text if you set follow language skills of Chinese in settings: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate, Intermediate, Elementary

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