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Mongolian language

The text to correct from user Kent

Zaa shan amrairai, bi ajild bnoo
Language: Mongolian   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate
Kent:  Got this in a text message.

Tsatsral Munkhsaikhan:  Grammatically wrong and the context is misleading...
The first clause translates: Okay, goodnight,
But the second clause could mean: I'm at work, or I have a work

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You can correct this text if you set follow language skills of Mongolian in settings: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate

Corrected by Tsatsral Munkhsaikhan

Zaa, saihan amraarai, bi ajiltai baina OR
saihan amraarai, bi ajil deeree baina

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