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English language

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Yesterday I started to revise the English that I had studied in school. Only two days for to learn the first english words. If you have studied a foreign language school, you have the basics to start writing in that language.
Here are some simple rules. Begins to revise the grammar that you learned in school.
You must connect to Web sites that publish free grammar lessons, and then you must
read carefully the lessons and write on a sheet for store them. When you start a new lesson, review the previous one; read articles written in the language you want to learn. Even if you do not understand them, it goes forward in reading. Little by little, you begin to understand how the words are written in another language.
When you read text in another language, do not forget to consult the dictionary to look up words you do not understand. At the same time, you began to write in simple sentences that can be translated into your language without too much difficulty. You read the topics you know best. You can also use a good translator on line, but you must know all grammatica­l rules of the language, because otherwise you will not notice the mistakes you make by writing. For example, do you want to learn Italian? Search on Internet a good course in Italian. Look this link: http: //italian. about. com/od/grammar/Grammar. htm. You can start to write using the grammar in Word in the language you want to learn. Try these rules! And after a while 'you can write in another language. I am Italian and I'm still studying English. I am just beginning. I just wanted to let you know my method.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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