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English language

The text to correct from user Asya

Why do you think people emigrate to other countries? I think, that people emigrate to other countries because they want a new good life. Maybe, in their native countries they can't to find a good work with a good payment. Some of people can't to take a good education in their country and that's why they emigrate to other countries. All of these people think that life in other countries must be better than in their native country. They believe in it, but it doesn't always.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate, Intermediate, Elementary
Asya:  Please, help me with this text

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You can correct this text if you set follow language skills of English in settings: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate, Intermediate, Elementary

Corrected by sofiagovorezka

Why do you think people emigrate to other countries? I think, that people emigrate to other countries because they want a good new life (look up the order of adj). Maybe, in their native countries they can't find (after modal verbs inf without to) a good work with a good payment. Some of people can't have a good education in their country and that's why they emigrate to other countries. All of these people think that life in other countries would be better than in their native country. They believe in it, but it doesn't always true.
sofiagovorezka:  Good job!

sofiagovorezka:  *Some pople, you don't need of

sofiagovorezka:  * It isn't always true

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