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This text talks about the relationsh­ip between parents and children, but above all it talks of the way parents punish their children; but unfortunat­ely, often parents use physical violence when their children do something wrong.
First of all, I'm not agree with people who use violence to punish, maybe because I think that in every relationsh­ip of friendship, love or even between two strangers, we should use the words to clarify a situation! But let's go back to the speech we were doing: I'm not agree with physical punishment because I support the idea that, if a child disobeys or makes some mistakes, it's wrong to hid a child because after a while he might be afraid to do everything because he knows that he would probably be hidden by mom or dad. It is normal and it is right that a child make mistakes because mistakes make you grow. In addition, a child can't know what is right and what is wrong! And when he do something wrong, a parent could speak with his child and let him know the mistake he made. Furthermor­e, in many instances, if a child is victim of violence, it could worse his way to behave and it could change his character.
On the other hand, it's possible that a slap might be useful to the child to let him know that what he does is wrong. And I'm aware that it's difficult to handle a baby and make him understand things using only the words.
In conclusion, I think that parents should understand that children are not born knowing everything and that if they are too young, they can't understand certain things.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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