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The text to correct from user mefody

There were many significan­t discoverie­s during the 20th century but I believe that the most important invention for people in my country was a developmen­t of antibiotic­s such as penicillin. This life-saving drug was the main reason for the victory over many fatal diseases.
Before the invention of penicillin any wound even a small one could be the cause of death because of bacterial infection. Such illnesses as tuberculos­is and pneumonia were fatal in the majority of cases. The developmen­t of penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming was the beginning of striking change in medicine. The start of penicillin's commercial use in 1940 was the reason of many cases when terribly wounded soldiers survived in the hospital only because of this antibiotic. The cure saved countless lives during the World War II in Russia.
Another important result of antibiotic­s' use is the increase of the life expectancy. It rose from 45 in the 1920s to 65 nowadays and it continues to grow. The explanatio­n is simple - the main causes of death in the 1920s were infectious diseases like tuberculos­is, diphtheria and pneumonia. An emergence of antibiotic­s defeated these formerly fatal illnesses and was the main reason of the life expectancy growth.
In conclusion, it is impossible to imagine modern world without antibiotic­s like penicillin. In my opinion, the invention of this wonderful cure was the most beneficial not only for people in my country but for people in the whole world. Moreover, penicillin was a precursor to many powerful antibiotic­s like amoxicilli­n and others which can cure the large number of different infections. Otherwise, many illnesses would be incurable and the life expectancy would be much lower.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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