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English language

The text to correct from user trang_nguyen

The man stops at a flower shop to buy flower and sends to his mom via post-office. She lives 300km far from him. When the man gets out of his car, he see a little girl crying on the
sidewalk, he comes to her and asks: "why do you cry, baby? " - "I want to buy a rose for my mother, but I just have only 75 cent while a rose costs 2 dollars", said little girl. He smiles: "Come here, I'll buy one for you baby", said man. Then he buys one rose for her and one for his mom. After that, he asked her for a lift. She looks very happy "Yes, could you please pick me to my mom's house? ", said girl. Then she shows the way for him to cemetery where there is a new grave. She points to the grave and said: "This is house of my mother" then she puts the flower with thoughtful attitude. The man thinks many about the little girl, he decides to go back to the flower shop, cancel the service and buy a bloom flower. That night, he drives 300km to come to his mom and gives flower by himself.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker

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