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The text to correct from user desweet77

The graph compares the number of visits of two new music websites over 15 days. The two music sites are Music Choice and Pop Parade.
Music Choice’s website got 40, 000 hits on the first day and dropped about 50%. On the third day the hits rocketed up to 60, 000 and again fell back to 20, 000. After this period of extreme ups and downs, a rather steady phase followed with minor fluctuatio­ns between the fourth and eleventh day, on which the site had just over 20, 000 hits. On the following day there was an extreme rise. The number of hits rocketed to nearly 120, 000 visits. After that the number dropped slightly before it went up to almost 130, 000 hits. On the last day of the graph the number of visitors plummeted to fewer than 70, 000.
The other site pop Parade started with almost 120, 000 hits and dropped over the time up to day seven with the lowest number of visitors at under 40, 000. The hits fluctuated between days seven and nine almost similar to the other music site. The number of visits rocketed to 150, 000 at day 11 before they went down for two days around just over 80, 000. Right after that the hits went up to over 160, 000 for the next two days.
In comparison the two sites had a similar weak time at days seven to nine, even though for Music Choice the time up to day 11 brought not so many visitors to the site. Overall, Pop Parade is better visited than Music Choice, even though for days twelve and 13 the situation was reversed.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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