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The text to correct from user drxox

The graph below shows the number of library books read by boys and girls at Starmouth Schooll from 2006 to the present.
Summarise the informatio­n by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparion where relevant.
[Link of the graph image] http: //tinyurl. com/drxox-u7-writing
The graph gives informatio­n about how many books in library have read among boys and girls at Starmouth School between 2006 and the present day.
These trends have followed different patterns since 2009.
In 2009, boys read 50 books and girls read only 25 books. After that, these numbers rose slightly to 80 and 40 respective­ly in 2010. At this year, the number of books read by male students was double the number of books read by female students. Between 2010 and 2011, the numbers of books read by boys increased gradually to 100 while the numbers of books read by girls rose sharply to 100. At the beginning of 2011, boys and girls read the equal numbers of books in library.
Since 2011, the figure for girls have risen significan­tly to 140, but boys have read less books so its figure dropped gradually to 80. In the present day, girls at Starmouth School read more books than boys.
Overall, there has been a upward trends in numbers of books read by girls. In 2009, boys read more books than girls, but this is reverse when the the number of books read by girl has become much greater in recent years. It seem that boys lose their interest in reading books recently.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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