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The chart illustrate­s how London's citizens' choice of four different transport modes changed from 1960 to 1980 and 2000.
It is clear that in 2000 people started privilegin­g cars over the tube, trains and buses. In 1960 Londoners seemed to take rather the bus to work (39 % of them driving by bus) than driving their own cars (just over 5% of cars users).
However, the usage of cars had risen notably since 1960. In 2000 the number of cars commuter peaked over all other modes at 37%, that is more than twice the people choosing to take the bus.
Moreover, the tube and trains didn't register any bigger fluctuatio­n. Their rates varied from 18% to 28 % and then back to 23% and from 27% to 22% and up again to 25%. Anyway, the chart shows that all the four modes of transport had quiet balanced rates in 1980. All of them are between 30% and 20% of London's workers.
In sum, the main change was registered in the number of car users, which gradually increased during the 40- year- long period described in the chart. In fact, that might have caused the regular downturn of buses' popularity.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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