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The text to correct from user katecarrillo

The bar graph gives an overview about the activities, which 5 – 14 years old boys and girls do in their free time. Overall, it can be seen that “watching TV” is the most popular leisure activity among the young people. (40)
80% of the interviewe­d boys are fond of computer games, meanwhile only 60% of the girls considered herself as electronic games fans. (16) The most remarkable difference between genders can be seen in the activity “Art and craft”, where (22) above half of the boys enjoys it, whereas only below two thirds of the boys do.
In summary, there are not many difference­s between boys and girls and the activities they realized in their free time. It’s also noticed, that they don’t have “read” as a leisure option, which could be an alarming situation.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced

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