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The text to correct from user Kei

The bar chart provides informatio­n about how much time was spent by the UK men and women on household tasks. It is clear that women spend more time than twice as much time as men. Initially women spend more time on cooking, baking and washing up as men. Women also spend much more time on cleaning house, tidying. However they spend time similarly, when men are more active in gardening and pet care, women are more active on care and play with own children. On the other hand men spend less time on clothes, washing, ironing, sewing, when women spend on 20 minutes more. But men spend much more time on maintenanc­e, odd jobs, while women spend about 9 minutes on day. In generally the figure represents that women spend much more time on household tasks than men. Whereas men spend more time household tasks such as gardening and odd jobs.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency
Kei:  How much time was spent the UK men and women on household tasks? Please, could you correct my essay.

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