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English language

The text to correct from user Clara Foggetti

Thank you very much for your return!
I am of course at your disposal to tell you about my future candidacy and the nature of my motivation­s with more details.
While waiting for a personal interview that would allow us to converse in face to face, thank you very much for taking the initiative to answer me.
Have a great day!
Best regards,
Clara Foggetti
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced

Corrected by Nuna

Thank you very much for your response!
I am of course at your disposal to tell you with more detail about my future candidacy and the nature of my motivation­s.
While waiting for an in person interview that ​allow us to converse face to face, I highly appreciate you taking the initiative to answer me.
Have a great day!
Best regards,
Clara Foggetti

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