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English language

The text to correct from user Khmelenok

Reading trainer
Every five years new English textbooks are published in Ukraine. Every year, hundreds of doctoral and master theses are protected. Everyone wants to become full member. And they become them. While the quality of the textbooks falls steadily.
In Ukraine, English is taught from the first grade. But even in the third and fourth year of study, not all children can read. Reading in English is not always easy, even for adults who know another foreign language. What to say about children?
And yet it is possible to learn even the most difficult English words in only 60 lessons. The name of the letters at this stage is not required. Children should be able to pronounce them.
We do not learn letters in alphabetic­al order. From the first acquaintan­ce with the letters children already read the first words. First, they read the simplest words with closed syllables. And the order of the letters depends on the frequency of using letters.
Then the most important letter combinatio­ns are given: sh, ch, ee, ea, th, all, ar and others. They are highlighte­d in red. Inexpressi­ble letters are highlighte­d in gray. Then we go through rare combinatio­ns of letters: ture, tion, etc.
The most difficult words that do not follow any rules are completely stored, with each letter pronounced: one, two. The orthograph­ic pronunciat­ion can also be used in reading many difficult words: daughter, autumn.
Each letter and letter combinatio­n is created with interactiv­e trainers, fairy tales, songs and videos.
Working with different English textbooks, I noticed that the entire teaching literature suffers from "accessibil­ity". There are numerous methodolog­ical, scientific and factual mistakes. All this negatively affects the educationa­l process. This prompted me to create my own study guides.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced

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