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English language

The text to correct from user brakka

Please, help me to improve the flow of this song, thank you!
" I´m just a lonely soul
I thought that you should know
so, don´t you follow me
´cause I don´t know where to go
I´m just a lonely soul
a soldier on my own land
So don´t show me you understand
´cause it wont change a thing in my head
It happens everyday
I´m all about to fly away
It happens everyday
I´m always about to fade away
I´m just a lonely soul
heading to nowhere
I´m a just a dead leaf
bouncing in the wind
in the end of the season
waiting for no reason
than to fall again
I was made to disappear
That´s my sin
I´m just a lonely soul
So, don´t you wait anything from me
´cause I can give you nothing
I was made to disappear
It happens everyday
I´m about to fly away
I can cause you pain
So, you better keep away from me
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced

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