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The text to correct from user SantaUA

Over all Russian history after Soviet Union collapsed and Mr. Putin took the reins almost nobody on the internatio­nal level unwilling to see Mr. Putin as he really is. It happens because of someone's self-interests and self-deception.
Now Russia is the place there truth and falsehood are no longer distinct and government puts a facts how they want. Even though Mr. Putin violate the internatio­nal norms (destructio­n of the MH17 flight), harms his neighbors (Eastern Ukraine) and Russians themselves (corruption and so on), he is true Russian leader – tsar. Thanks to anti-Western propaganda, talking about fascists in Kiev, complex lies about reason of crashing MH17 and so on Putin’s rating has been growing enormously since the time Crimea was annexed. The enormity and horridness of flight crashing should have led Mr. Putin to draw back from his policy but he could not: the lies has gone too far and Mr. Putin are trapped in his own web of lies. He could not suddenly change his mind and tell Russians that Ukrainian’s government is not too bed and the separatist­s in Easters Ukraine are hirelings. However, lies will eventually unravel and Mr. Putin fall.
Even though on the internatio­nal level everybody know the truth, European Union is scared of far-reaching sanctions: they will touch EU economics as well as Russian’s one.
The word need to face the danger Mr. Putin faces. If it does not stand up to him today, worse will follow.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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