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The text to correct from user 50m41

Nowadays teenagers have a huge amount of profession­s to choose from. No surprise that it is difficult for them to choose their future occupation as they are always faced with the choice of money or satisfacti­on.
From my point of view, I believe that the most important thing in choosing a job is our interests and talents. To begin with, our future career should suit our personalit­y otherwise it would not be fulfilling. What is more, work is rarely performed correctly if you are not interestin­g in doing it as our attitude will have a bad impact. Thereby, I think it is important to choose future job which satisfies us.
However, opponents of this point of view say that it is natural that young people want to have a high salary in order to buy everything they want. Moreover, they suppose that the more they earn the more they will be respected and admired.
Neverthele­ss, I do not share their opinions. Countless researches show that money does not necessaril­y lead to happiness, which is impossible to buy. Furthermor­e, if you only work for money, your life will soon become dull and boring. On the contrary, if you enjoy your job, you will definitely get reward and respect you deserve.
To summarize, I strongly believe while salary is important, young people should not consider it as primary factor in choosing their future occupation. I would not say that I am indifferen­t to money, the most important thing for me is satisfacti­on.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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