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It felt like our teacher was not well-prepared for the lesson, because she looked in the answers once, also sometimes she made mistakes, which I think are not describing her as a good teacher. I think it's okay when you don't know exact answers for your student's questions, which are not related to the current topic, but if they are definitely about our lesson and are related directly to our tasks, I think she needs to be well prepared for these types of questions. I mean at least checking answers before the lesson starts! Also, it was too boring because students were not prepared for the lesson and we were losing a lot of time on them. I don't really know how to forbid attending lessons for students, who are not advanced students in English, but It's a little bit strange having on advanced level lesson students, who are not able to explain their point of view in two sentences at least.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced

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Corrected by robert dbuafo

It felt like our teacher was not well-prepared for the lesson, because she looked at the answers and sometimes made mistakes. I think it's fine when you don't know the exact answers to your student's questions which are not related to the current topic, but if they are definitely about our lesson and are related directly to our tasks, then there should be no need to look them up. She could at least check the answers before the lesson starts! Also the lesson was too slow as many students were not prepared and wasted time, and I found myself quickly getting bored. It is strange that they put advanced English speakers in lessons with English students with those who are less familiar with the language. All it does is slow down the advanced students while ensuring the less able students learn nothing as the content is to hard.
robert dbuafo:  Last few sentences felt very direct and a bit rude and didn't make to much sense. I've assumed this wasn't the intention and phrased it in a more sophisticated way.

robert dbuafo:  "It is strange that they put advanced english students in lessons with those who are less familiar with the language" sorry for the error

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