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The text to correct from user Dejw86

Increase production oil have main importance for Rosenfat – the biggest noticed to exchange oil’s company in the extraction of. This company concluded contracts for export oil to China, but isn’t clear from she have material for this. Because old soviet deposits on west Siberia to dry, east regions of Russia are commonly for for the best possible area to new holes.
Seczin told Putin, about Rosneft plans in 2013 invests 52 billion ruble (1, 6 billion dollars) for east projects. 27’th billion in this will be used for exploratio­n and production, 23’rd for processing, and 2 billion for delivery oil’s product’s – added
Rosneft recently beginning seismic survey on the field Magadan – first the Sea of Okhotsk, in cooperatio­n with Statoil.
* Source - onet. pl. 07-17-2013
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