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The text to correct from user nsak23

In this paper we would like to extend the notion of resonance to the (p; q) -Laplacian operator. Namely,
we will study the equation (1)
The term resonance refers to the case in which lambda is a principal eigenvalue of the problem (2)
For the case p = q > 1 the spectral properties of 2 are being establishe­d. It is known that in this
case there exists a smallest eigenvalue, i. e. , the principal eigenvalue 1, which is simple and isolated.
Also, the properties of the next smallest eigenvalue, 2, have been investigat­ed in [2]. Beyond this, by
using Ljusternik-Schnirelma­nn theory, it was shown the existence of a no decreasing positive sequence
of eigenvalue­s 0 < 1 <::: < n <::: (see [8, 11, 6]). For the case p 6= q we have shown in [3] that 2
has a continuous family of positive eigenvalue­s.
Resonance problems around an eigenvalue of the p-Laplacian have been treated just recently in [1]
among others. The main tool in studding such problem is the use of variationa­l approaches like the
Mountain Pass Theorem due to Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz, the Ekeland variationa­l principal and the
Saddle point Theorem. For example, a multiple existence result is obtained in [1] by combing the two rst theorems. Neverthles­s, this approach is not applicable to our case because we can not decompose
the functional space to a direct sum of a nite dimension space and its orthogonal complement since
we can not ensure the nite multiplici­ty of the principal eigenvalue. Instead of this, We will apply a
weak version of the monotone operators theorem due to Leray-Lions to investigat­e problem 1.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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