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The text to correct from user lillie

I would to speak about my vacancies passed with my family at Punta Cunta.
Punta Cana it’s a island suited in Republican Dominica where they speak Spanish.
It was the first time I was on a plane. The flight during eight o’clock.
We have done several excursions notably island Soana.
It’s a island tropical of the Caribbean sea located south of the Dominican Republic.
To go we took a speedboat where we dove to see fish. Then we are left to go natural beaches where we have lunch on the beach. After we took catamaran and we stopped in the swimming-pool to can see giant starfish. This island is partly a nature reserve. There is a part of movie Pirate des Caraïbes which was filmed on this island.
For the second excursion we did buggie.
I went with brother while my parents and my sister were together. We had on a park trail network; follow the guide through the tropical forest. We stopped for taste hot chocolate and to show us the manufactur­e of coffee. Then we went to a cave where one could swim. To finish we went to the beach Macao.
The third excursion is one of the country’s largest ecological reserve. It’s the laguna Lemon.
We boarded a safari truck order to reach the top of the mountain Redonda. I have profited a great panoramic view of the two lagoons: La baie de Samana and La cordillera orientale.
Down the mountain we continued up to a plantation. After that we visited a cockfight arena. We could see a cockfight simulation. In the Dominican Republic the cockfight is a real phenomenon. There is not a village that does have its breeding.
Once the demonstrat­ion finished we were at the ranch. Where we had the opportunit­y to observe and to participat­e in a cigar roller competitio­n.
To finish the day we did horseback ride on the beach before boarding a speed boat to cross la Lagune Limon to be able to return to the hotel.
Laguna Limon is my favorite excursion because I discovered beautiful very diverse landscape. I found it the most excursion complete. I was able to discover the wealth of the Dominican Republic.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate, Intermediate, Elementary

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