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English language

The text to correct from user atom13

I like to write so much. I wrote thousands pages text for all my life. I do it everyday, because it’s my job. I am work as writer since 2010.
But i have little problem now. I write in Russian and i can’t write in English. Shame on me.
I want to understand all tv shows without subtitle. Yesterday i watched brilliant stand up special Bo Burnham «Make Funny». Russian subtitle in my player had bugs and i thought how cool understand english without translatio­n.
When i write in Russian i can use a lot of synonims, jokes and other staff. When i write in English i feel myself like first-former.
Smart people said i need write every day in english and check my mistakes. And then i may be will learn English.
I don’t know. But today i decide to try.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate
atom13:  Please check my text. Thank you!

Corrected by aura

I love to write. Throughout my life, I have written thousands of pages. I write every day, because it’s my job. I have worked as a writer since 2010.
But now, I have a small problem. While I am proficient in Russian, sadly my English is not as good.
I want to understand all TV shows without subtitles. Yesterday i watched a brilliant stand up special, Bo Burnham's "Make Funny". The Russian subtitles in my player had bugs and I thought, how nice would it be to understand English without use of translatio­n!
When I write in Russian I use a lot of synonyms, jokes and other stuff. But when I write in English i feel like a first-former.
Smart people said I need write every single day in English and check my mistakes. And then maybe I will learn English.
I don’t know. But today I decided to try.
aura:  good luck

aura:  you are doing great!

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