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Good morning neighbours, at the moment there is a big problem with our lift. I called to the maintenanc­e service yesterday because a neighbour couldn't go out of the lift, ought to the lift didn´t work. Finally, we solved the problem; however, we all have to look for a solution very soon. The lift is broken down now, and I think it is necessary to repair it. There are nine floors in this building and a lot of stairs, most of old people have several health problems, and they told me this morning that we need an urgent meeting for deciding to do something.
The maintenanc­e service gave me two options yesterday. In my opinion, the best solution it is to change our lift because it has been working for 15 years. It is very old and it can have problems in the future. In the other hand, we can repair it, it is cheaper but it will last a little time.
I know that everybody is usually busy but in this case we have to see us tomorrow. The meeting is going to be tomorrow at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. If somebody can not go to the meeting room, there is not any problem, because you can email a message to my email to answer with your vote.
In conclusion, we have a suspense date very small. Yours sincerely
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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