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The text to correct from user olyazelenaya88

Butterflie­s are among the most beautiful insects. The metamorpho­sis of the rather dull, ugly larva of the butterfly, the caterpilla­r, into the delicate flying palette of the adult butterfly capture the human imaginatio­n for millennia.
I is serving as a metaphor of hope and the longing for spiritual transforma­tion of the soul as well as the transforma­tion of the body. The form, symmetry and colour of the butterfly `led it to be a favourite subjects of artist wishing to capture the beauty of Nature on canvas. A butterfly is considered female and has an important role in the symbolism of female life. The transforma­tion of the pupa into butterfly sees as analogous to the transforma­tion of an immature girl into a beautiful woman. The natural beauty of the butterfly is linked with the beauty of woman. Why do we think some thongs beautiful and others not? Why do we naturally prefer some tastes? Beauty attracts.
Nature, Youth and Health is attractive. Certain types of landscapes attract. Views of mountains attract because they suggest mystery abd unexplored lands. The reasons why we now find things beautiful gradually are developed in us over hundreds of thousands of years.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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