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The text to correct from user drxox

Asuka is a second-generation American girl. Her parents have immigrated to United State from Japan in the 1980s. She lives in Kansas city with her husband, John. Unfortunat­ly, her husband passed away in a car accident a year ago. His death left an enormous gap in her life. She has completely gotten lost for 10 month. A month ago, he found a piece of paper which had something her husband had wrote on it. He planned a trip to Las vegas with her by car to play many sorts of gambling and buy her a fur coat. But his plan would never complete because of his death.
Asuka decided to finish her husband 's want. She got up, cleaned the house, took out the garbage and gathered her belongings and all neccessary things for the trip to Las Vegas. After that, she got her car of out the garage. She owns a low fuel consumptio­n car which can travels 55 miles per gallon of gasoline. She had told her family about the trip but her plan wasn't generally supported by her family. She was still determined to do her trip. She drove wildly, crashing through the gears like a maniac. Finally, she arrived in Las vegas safely over 1. 146, 4 miles. She tried to play Slot machine for the first time. Guess what? She unexpected­ly hit 5 million U. S dollars jackpot.
After the trip, she healed herself up of her husband' death. Now, she is a millionair­e. Asuka is a kindly and generous person. She donated a large portion of her gambling prize to the charity fund of Kansas city. " I don't need money. I found that my husband would always be beside me. That's all I want". She said in an interview.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency

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