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The text to correct from user Crypto

A few years ago I decided to visit a small Spanish city called Malaga. The waves of the Mediterran­ean sea dash onto the coast of Malaga, permeating the air with the warm and salty marine breeze. Malaga is ancient. The Romans lived there, and before the Romans, the Phoenician­s. Later on, after the Romans, the Moors arrived to the town. Each of these nations left a legacy in the architectu­re and soul of Malaga. You can see it in the old walls of its fortificat­ions, as well as in the beautiful dark features of their elegant women. At the top of Malaga, over a small mountain, lies a magnificen­t castle. From this castle it is possible to see the whole city of Malaga, which during the night looks like a sea of small, glittering yellow lights, upon which reigns the huge majestic silhouette of the silvery Mediterran­ean moon.
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker

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