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60 RED RODAD LONDON 408 KYJ 16 February 2014
John Smith
Dear Mr. Smith
I am writing this letter because my boss told me last week that our firm broke several things in your cultivated land. I am sorry very much, I don´t know to say, this is not very often in our work but sometimes we make mistakes.
However, I would like to apologize with you and if it is still possible, maybe, could you come to London next week, please? . I think, the best solution or the solution faster, it is a meeting with you because in our firm, we always think in people.
My boss also told me that you are going to go to the police due to you are very angry, when happened the accident in your cultivated land; it is true that we were building a lot of new houses. I would like to avoid a report If is still possible, in my opinion, you can tell us which is the total price for repairing your cultivate land. We don´t want to have problems with anybody.
In conclusion, Mr. Smith. We didn´t know exactly the limit of your cultivate land, we thought that it was possible to work, but there was a mistake in our map. You can come with your lawyer to the meeting and I am sure that we all can find a perfect solution for everybody. Yours faithfully
Language: English   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced, Upper-Intermediate, Intermediate

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