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Bosnian language

The text to correct from user Marissa

Kâo lač jak ko ih hmâo êmuh ko deh jah rok! Ih čiang bi mlih hong mnong ih mâo, biadah kâo amâo mâo čiang ôh Pap mñai ho! Kâo amâo mâo al ko ih ôh. Lač jak lu!!!
Language: Bosnian   Language Skills: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced
Marissa:  Can someone please tell me what this says? Lol... :/

fel:  Hi Marissa! I'm a native bosnian speaker and this is not written in bosnian. I can't understand a word! Best wishes

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You can correct this text if you set follow language skills of Bosnian in settings: Native speaker, Proficiency, Advanced

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